
Category Archives for "guest/interview"

Younger with Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried is a physician, speaker, and author of the new book entitled, Younger: A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse Aging, and Turn Back the Clock 10 Years. In this book, she shares how to change habits and slow the impacts of aging.

Dr. Gottfried explains 5 aging factors where things can go wrong:

  1. Muscle factor
  2. Brain factor
  3. Hormone factor
  4. Gut factor
  5. Toxic fat factor

In the book, Dr. Gottfried mentions a Health Span quiz, available at http://www.healthspanscore.com/. She created this test to measure aging on a graded scale from 0 to 100%. Several categories that are taken into consideration with this test include sleep, movement, relationships, purpose and meaning, resting heart rate, and blood sugar and glucose.

The Younger Protocol, a seven-week program based on functional medicine, describes basic changes one can make to build habits and gain momentum. The first week focuses on food, including eating foods that fill micronutrient gaps, provide antioxidant support, and reduce inflammation.

The second week focuses on sleep, including sleeping on your side and maintaining appropriate Vitamin D levels.

The third week focuses on movement, specifically one to two hours of moderate exercise.

The fourth week focuses on releasing habitually tight muscles and evaluating wear and tear hormones such as cortisol.

The fifth week is about environmental toxins and what can be done about them. A positive exposure includes experience with a dry sauna.

The sixth week focuses on how to wrangle stress and adjust your stress response.

The seventh week focuses on how to change your brain as you get older.

To connect with Dr. Sara Gottfried or learn more about Younger: A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse Aging, and Turn Back the Clock 10 Years, visit http://www.theyoungerbook.com.

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Dynamic Aging with Katy Bowman

April 14, 2017

Go from stressed to strong with Laurie A. Watkins

Laurie Watkins is an accomplished speaker, coach, fitness enthusiast, and author of the new book Go From Stressed To Strong.

As a busy professional, Laurie found herself needing to make a change in her life to focus on her health and fitness. She found that building routines worked for her as a means of regaining control. In her book, she describes 20 keys to building a routine. Some of these important keys include:

  1. Start an exercise routine first thing in the morning. Stay consistent and find 20 to 30 minutes per day to workout.
  2. Keep your workout fresh. If you’re not excited, you won’t want to do it.
  3. Set your intentions for the day.
  4. Take time for self-care.
  5. Review highlights of the day before going to sleep and maintain a gratitude list.
  6. Remain motivated and repeat.

Make your routine a priority, but allow for some flexibility. If you don’t make yourself a priority, no one else will. Do more today than you were doing yesterday. Just start somewhere.

Laurie also talks about treating your body like a bank account when it comes to clean and dirty food. She uses the analogy of eating clean foods; doing so is like depositing into your body’s bank account. When you eat enough clean food, you can afford a withdrawal from the bank account to eat the foods you want to indulge in every now and then.

Laurie shares seven additional tips for working out, including:

  1. Work out efficiently
  2. Sign up for competitions as motivation
  3. Make a schedule and commit to it.
  4. Satisfy your own likes and dislikes
  5. Start with one thing.
  6. If you don’t measure it, it doesn’t exist.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Visit http://www.laurieawatkins.com to read a chapter called, “Get Out of Bed and Fall Into a Routine,” from her book for free.


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Warrior | Theresa Larsen

April 12, 2017

Heal your pain now with Dr. Joe Tatta

Dr. Joe Tatta is a physical therapist who specializes in treating persistent pain. In his new book, Heal Your Pain Now, Dr. Tatta shares information behind what may cause chronic pain and strategies and tips to help heal pain naturally.

Those who have chronic pain know that it can control your life. Dr. Tatta explains that pain is not only about tissue injury. It can actually be influenced by one’s outlook, whether optimistic or pessimistic. Pain is both a sensory and emotional experience. When you experience pain, try determining what recent thoughts, emotions, or senses could be the root cause.

Because of this, healing pain may not be totally about physical healing, but more about mental solutions. A great place to start includes affirmations. Consider ways to mentally reframe your pain. Instead of catastrophizing the pain, focus on what actions you are taking to minimize your pain and improve your situation. Meditation is about clearing your mind and finding neutral thoughts. Incorporating these practices will help you to become present with your thoughts and wipe the slate clean.

To reduce pain, Dr. Tatta also recommends adding movement and a healthy diet into your lifestyle. Focus on increasing your movement a little more each day or week to increase your pain threshold. As your mobility increases, progress to building strength and incorporating high intensity interval training over time. With diet, Dr. Tatta recommends 95% of one’s core nutrition to consist of a whole foods diet. This can also help with leaky gut, which has pain implications in the form of autoimmune diseases.

To connect with Dr. Tatta or to learn more about Heal Your Pain Now, visit www.drjoetatta.com. To test the root cause of your pain, take a pain quiz at www.thepainquiz.com.


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Forever painless with Miranda Esmonde-White

Breaking the stronghold of food with Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Michael L. Brown is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry and the author of a new book entitled, Breaking the Stronghold of Food. In the book, Dr. Brown and his wife Nancy share the story of how they changed their food-addicted lifestyle to one that prioritizes health and fitness.

Dr. Brown explains that fitness is the foundation that allows you to do everything else in your life that you want to accomplish. He states that taking good care of yourself through health and fitness is being a good steward of your body, which is important on both a personal and spiritual level.

Like many people, Dr. Brown once sought a quick fix to improve his health. Though he had his life together in certain areas, he was struggling with his health and was looking for a quick answer. He tried energy pills and fat creams, aiming to speed his metabolism and lose weight. After trying all of these and seeing no results, he realized that the key is to make fundamental changes to one’s lifestyle. Doing so will reap benefits in an overwhelming proportion.

Dr. Brown’s wife, Nancy, utilized Dr. Joel Furman’s micronutrient-rich philosophy to change her health. Once she saw success, Dr. Brown knew he needed her assistance to make changes in his own life. With Nancy’s guidance, Dr. Brown was able to change his relationship with food and revitalize his health. Part of this success stems from being “all in” when it comes to eating the right foods. The motivation to live a healthy life and be around long-term for loved ones are important drivers to succeed.

To connect with Dr. Brown, to get more information, or to purchase Breaking the Stronghold of Food, visit www.askdrbrown.org.


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The end of heart disease | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

April 7, 2017

Pet health with Dr. and Mrs. Pitcairn

Dr. Richard Pitcairn and his wife Susan are authors of a popular pet health book called Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, a comprehensive resource for health-conscious pet owners.

Recently, new diagnoses have occurred in dogs and cats, which may be a result of the toxins and chemicals in our environment that are ingested by our pets. The Pitcairns explain that those at the top of the food chain, including humans, dogs, and cats, will consume the highest amounts of chemicals simply because they have consumed smaller animals who have also eaten toxins. This is one reason why a vegetarian or vegan diet is beneficial for both humans and pets. Though a vegan diet may be healthier and cleaner, some supplementation may be necessary, especially for cats.

The toxins in our environment and the products we use also find their way into our systems. Our bodies do not know how to process these toxins, so they are often stored as fat and can eventually cause health problems.

There are several steps to take to help prevent the ingestion of additional toxins. For example, keeping both your pet and environment clean can help remove toxins regularly. Choose safe and effective flea control methods and avoid chemical dips and treatments. Avoid over-vaccinating your pet, as there is limited research suggesting that yearly vaccinations are beneficial.

To purchase Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, visit Amazon.com. You can learn more about Richard, Susan, pet health, and vegan diets for pets through Susan’s YouTube channel.

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How to not die of heart disease | Dr. Michael Greger

April 5, 2017

Diz Runs | Denny Krehe

Denny Krehe from the Diz Runs Podcast is sharing the many benefits of being a runner. Many people know about the health benefits of running, which include weight management and burning calories. Running is also great for heart and cardiovascular health, as well as maintaining bone strength. There are also social benefits of belonging to running groups, where you can meet others, have conversations, and foster deep friendships. Running also provides a great sense of accomplishment through the setting and achievement of goals.

You can get started with running at a very low cost. If you’re going to run regularly, be prepared to invest into a solid pair of running shoes. Find your local running store and ask them to fit you for a pair of shoes. Anything else is a luxury item that is not essential to get started.

Denny recommends the Couch to 5K free app to help you prepare for your first race. This is a great tool for running newcomers, as it takes the guesswork out what to do and when to do it.

When running your first race, Denny says there are a few pointers to keep in mind. Channel your excitement at the beginning and try to pace yourself. Remember that your starting time won’t start until you get to the starting line, so it’s a good idea to line up according to your usual pace. Don’t forget to have fun. The hard part is the training. The celebration is the race day, so be sure to enjoy the experience. If have any questions before or after the race, feel free to ask your fellow runners, who are usually more than willing to help.

To connect with Denny or learn more about running and the Diz Runs Podcast, visit www.dizruns.com.

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Not a born runner but that can change with Pete Magill

Dynamic Aging with Katy Bowman

Katy Bowman is a biomechanist and science communicator who is passionate about movement in our everyday lives and health. Her new book, Dynamic Aging, shares valuable lessons and exercises to help anyone who wants to improve their mobility and strength.

When it comes to mobility, one of the greatest fears involves falling. Katy explains that falls later in life can be impossible to recover from. Often times, people will remove obstacles in their home to reduce the likelihood of falls. However, Katy explains that it is important to stay strong enough to deal with these obstacles, as the whole world outside your home is not obstacle-free.

Balance is another important area of focus. To improve whole body movement, Katy suggests starting with your feet. Most fit and movement conscious people have not trained their feet, however there are basic exercises one can do to begin strengthening and mobilizing the feet.

Katy also explains that learning to move differently and changing movement patterns helps to align the body better, which leads to better health. Many perceive that the purpose of movement is simply to facilitate more movement. However, having the ability to move opens doors to experiences that a lack of movement otherwise closes. This changes how you relate to things or people. Movement is critical in adding years to your life and life to your years.

There are simple ways to add movement to your daily routine. Practice getting up from the floor. Opt to go in to the bank rather than using the drive thru. Consider parking further away from building entrances. Make activities walking-based. De-convenience some of your kitchen to increase your level of movement and stretching.

To connect with Katy or learn more about Dynamic Aging, visit www.nutritiousmovement.com.


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11 Best mobility tips

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