

Monthly Archives: May 2017

May 29, 2017

Raw paleo with Melissa Henig

Melissa Henig is a health and lifestyle coach and the author of Raw Paleo: The Extreme Advantages of Eating Paleo Foods in the Raw. Melissa grew up in a health-conscious home and was eating a raw vegan diet, but felt she was lacking something. She was told about a raw paleo way of eating and has been living this lifestyle ever since.

Melissa discusses a few myths surrounding raw foods. One such myth surrounds cholesterol. Many feel that it should be avoided, but it is actually an essential lipid that is in every cell of our body. Cholesterol is important for the brain, nervous system, and hormones.

Another myth surrounds raw eggs, which are not dangerous if sourced correctly. Melissa recommends sourcing pasture-raised raw eggs, as the nutritional profile is much higher. Biotin within the egg yolk is a rich source of nutrition.

Melissa explains that the benefit of eating raw foods is seen in the nutrients, as these molecules can be degraded through freezing or heating, which changes the molecules’ structure. Use food straight from nature, never frozen or heated, for the highest healing potential possible. In regards to butter, Melissa recommends raw versus pasteurized, as it lubricates the joints, is good for your skin, and aids in digestion. Again, there is a higher healing potential with raw butter as nothing is changed with the protein and fat molecules. Though it can be hard to source, you can check http://www.rawmilk.com to find possible sources near you.

Melissa wants people to know that if they source quality foods, they should not to be afraid to try raw meat.

To connect with Melissa or to learn more about Raw Paleo: The Extreme Advantages of Eating Paleo Foods in the Raw, visit http://www.rawpaleo.com, email her at Melissa@rawpaleo.com, or visit her on Instagram or Facebook.


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Paleo for thyroid health with Elle Russ

May 24, 2017

Adult coloring books with Erica Spiegelman

Erica Spiegelman is an addiction specialist and the author of Rewired Coloring Book: An Adult Coloring Book for Emotional Awareness, Healthy Living & Recovery. With treatment, education, and the support of her friends and family, Erica stopped drinking 10 years ago and went back to school to help others find their way to sobriety. She earned a degree in addiction counseling and began working in inpatient and outpatient centers. Her new outpatient center called Rewired is located in Beverly Hills, California.

The well-known 12-step program to sobriety did not resonate with Erica, so she put together her own recipe for success, much of which is explained in her book, Rewired: A Bold New Approach to Addiction and Recovery. She now shares this with others and encourages them to find what works for them.

In the coloring book, Erica includes a 30-day gratitude exercise. The challenge is to be grateful every day for 30 days. This will set you up for thinking and behaving in different ways, which allows you to lean toward gratitude on a more consistent basis. You begin to build that muscle of seeing the positive in difficult situations.

Similarly, the overall goal of the coloring book is to change the way people think. It’s a mindfulness exercise in being present in the moment. The book pairs words of values and emotions with the visual of coloring. She encourages readers to begin with intention of how the word is present in their lives. Some examples included in the book include evolution, love, authenticity. Possible benefits of completing exercises in this book include getting stress under control, improvement in sleep, self-exploration, and mindfulness.

To connect with Erica or to learn more about Rewired Coloring Book: An Adult Coloring Book for Emotional Awareness, Healthy Living & Recovery, visit http://www.ericaspieglman.com or visit her Facebook page.


Another episode you may enjoy

Life on purpose | Dr. Victor Stretcher

May 22, 2017

Stretching for better fitness with Dr. Karl Knopf

Dr. Karl Knopf is a teacher of corrective exercise and the founder and President of Fitness Educators of Older Adults. He is also the author of a new book entitled Stretching for 50+

Dr. Knopf explains that many view stretching as boring and not worthwhile, as it is difficult to see immediate results. However, many have learned outdated rules and techniques. Flexibility or stretching is having the ideal amount of mobility in your joints to be able to do what you want to do. The stretching program has to be comprehensive. People need to stretch every aspect of their body, because all parts are interconnected. The beauty of stretching is that it does not require special equipment and can be done anywhere.

Dr. Knopf discusses a few tips for stretching. First, warm up the muscles by jogging or taking a warm shower, for example. Don’t stretch to the point of pain. Remember to breathe regularly as you stretch. Don’t bounce during the stretching process, as those movements can cause micro damage to the muscles. Try not to rush. Check with your health provider to make sure your stretching is appropriate if you’ve recently had an injury.

Dr. Knopf mentions several factors that influence one’s level of flexibility. These include:

  • joint design
  • age
  • gender influence
  • physical activity
  • temperature
  • pregnancy
  • injuries

It’s important to be responsible and take care of yourself to prevent injury. Be proactive, do what feels good, and make stretching a regular part of your life.

The book is designed for all fitness levels and includes illustrations and diagrams. For more information about Stretching for 50+, visit http://www.ulyssespress.com. To connect with Karl, email knopfkarl@foothill.edu.


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Forever painless with Miranda Esmonde-White

Keto comfort foods with Maria Emmerich

Maria Emmerich is a wellness expert and best-selling author of The Ketogenic Cookbook. In her new book, Keto Comfort Foods, she shares comfort food recipes and tips for those following a ketogenic diet.

Maria explains that we are often told that it’s wrong to see food as pleasurable, yet eating nourishing foods should excite us. One way to incorporate a sweet taste in your recipes without using traditional sweeteners is by using Stevia Glycerite. This can be found at any health foods store. Stevia Glycerite is thick like honey and is a great substitute for the sweet flavor that you lack in the keto diet. Best of all, it won’t spike your blood sugar.

Maria also discusses the difference between good fats and bad fats. We are often told that saturated fats are bad, yet they serve an important role in our body, such as making our healthy hormones. Saturated fats are heat-stable and come from nature. The main type of fat to avoid is the trans fats.

Maria also explains how to find good, healthy eggs. She recommends not focusing solely on the color of the egg, as brown eggs are not always better. The term “cage-free” means that the hens are not in cages, but they may be in barns and not ever see the light of day. Consider purchasing locally sourced eggs where you know what the chickens are being fed and how they are being raised.

Maria’s favorite recipes from the book include Bananas Foster for Two, Deconstructed Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza, Pizza Waffles, Chicken Parmesan Mini Meatloaf, and BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich.

To connect with Maria or to learn more about Keto Comfort Foods, visit http://www.mariamindbodyhealth.com, her Facebook Page Keto Adapted, or on Instagram @MariaEmmerich.


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Keto tastes great with Maria Emmerich

Your aging body can talk with Dr. Susan Levy

Dr. Susan Levy is a chiropractor and alternative health practitioner with more than 30 years of experience. She is also the author of the new book, Your Aging Body Can Talk, a guide to help people get in touch with their body’s inner knowingness, which can lead to greater happiness and health.

Dr. Levy speaks about the importance of preserving a youthful feeling and attitude as we go through the aging process, which allows us to be healthier and more comfortable. With this, she discusses the concept of ikigai, an Okinawan tradition that encourages everyone to discover their life’s purpose. Defining and refining one’s ikigai over time has many health benefits, as you are looking at your inherent purpose and self-worth, rather than looking at an outward reflection of accomplishments.

Being sedentary can cause negative effects on human beings. Research has shown the total body benefit of Tai chi includes diminishment of pain, improvement in one’s sense of well-being, and an increase in energy level and stamina, just to name a few. Yoga is good for flexibility and calming the self. Another option is Essentrics, which uses principles from yoga, ballet, and stretching. You can also simply walk with a purpose to stay active. Massage, chiropractic treatment, and acupuncture can also create greater alignment with one’s body.

Dr. Levy discusses her “Move It and Preserve It” basics:

1. Find what’s comfortable for you.
2. Minimize being sedentary.
3. Incorporate more purposeful movement in your daily life.
4. Have variety in your activities.

In regards to nutrition, Dr. Levy recommends including a variety of healthy foods, specifically those that are unprocessed with ingredients that you can recognize and pronounce. Organic and grass-fed options are great. Focus on fruits and vegetables. Use glass containers for food storage. Avoid all processed foods, sodas, tap water, and Styrofoam packaging.

To connect with Dr. Susan Levy or for more information about Your Aging Body Can Talk, visit http://www.yourbodycantalk.com.


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Eliminate chronic pain with Sue Hitzmann

May 15, 2017

Fighting cancer with food | Richard Beliveau

Dr. Richard Beliveau is head of the Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and a best-selling author of numerous books. His newest book, Foods to Fight Cancer, explains that very small changes in our daily lives will allow us to gain better control of reducing our cancer risk.

Dr. Beliveau explains that cancer is a complex disease with a lot of misconceptions. At its core, cancer is a genetic disease caused by genes that are mutated. However, very few of these genes are transmitted by one’s parents. There are three types of cancer that have increased dramatically in recent years. These include lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and skin cancer—all of which are directly impacted by two main risk factors. These two main risk factors for cancer are smoking and obesity and diet. Additional risk factors include alcohol, salt, overexposure to UV light, reproductive factors, medical procedures, and pollution, among others. Dr. Beliveau recommends keeping the fight on tobacco and obesity.

Much research has generated several key recommendations for the prevention of cancer. These include:
• reduce alcohol
• avoid a sedentary lifestyle
• maintain a plant-based diet
• avoid obesity
• avoid processed or junk food
• reduce red meat to 1 pound per week
• reduce salt
• do not use supplements to prevent cancer

The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle that maintains an environment in your tissue that prevents cancerous cells from developing.

De. Beliveau also discusses the role of phytochemicals. These enzymes, produced by plants, are ingested when you eat a diversity of plant product. These critical molecules can kill cancer cells, reduce inflammation, block tumor growth, and reduce your probability of developing cancer. This is one of the reasons why a plant-based diet is so important.

To connect with Dr. Beliveau or to learn more about Foods to Fight Cancer, visit http://www.richardbeliveau.org.

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How to not die of heart disease | Dr. Michael Greger

Manage your microbiome with Danielle Capalino

Danielle Capalino is a nutritionist specializing in digestive health and the author of a new book entitled The Microbiome Diet Plan.

Danielle describes the microbiome as a collection of mostly bacteria and other microorganisms that live all over us and inside of us. The bacteria inside our intestinal tract serves a variety of important functions including maintaining a healthy weight, maintaining the immune system, producing certain vitamins, and absorbing certain fibers.

Bacteria can be good for us and is vital for our health. However, antibiotics are given out like candy in this day and age, many times when we don’t need them. They do not discriminate and will kill both the good and bad bacteria alike.

Danielle discusses a few guidelines for managing your microbiome. These include:

1. Choose high fiber carbohydrates
2. Eat more plants
3. Eat fermented foods such as pickles and sauerkraut
4. Limit your meat intake
5. Avoid gluten, sugar, and food additives
6. Cultured dairy products are included
7. Consume alcohol in moderation

The six-week program to revitalizing your gut health is broken into two phases. Each phase lasts for three weeks. In both phases, the diet includes rich and fermented foods. However, in the first phase, no added sugar or meat are included. In the second phase, some honey, maple syrup, and meat is added back in.

Danielle recommends making the plan work for you. If you can follow the plan 80% of the time, you are still being successful. Try to use the principles in situations when you have to adjust.

The book includes a shopping list, lists of snacks, and a meal plan for each week. To connect with Danielle or to learn more about The Microbiome Diet Plan, visit www.daniellecapalino.com or reach out to her on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.


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Get a happy gut | Dr. Vincent Pedre