

Monthly Archives: May 2016

May 30, 2016

The estrogen window | Mache Seibel

Dr. Mache Seibel is a leading expert on women’s wellness, estrogen, and menopause. He is also the editor of My Menopause Magazine, creator of mymenopause.com, and the author of The Estrogen Window.

Dr. Seibel explains that many once thought that having too much estrogen could lead to breast cancer. This was actually the result of a misguided study from 2002 called the Women’s Health Initiative. Though this was supposed to be an age-matched, controlled study, that was not the case, which led to inaccurate information being produced and disseminated.

Since then, other studies have refuted these findings by showing a 23% lower risk of breast cancer and heart disease, and a 25% lower risk of dementia in those who take estrogen. For those who enter menopause early and don’t take estrogen, they have shown to have a 70% increased risk of dementia. Lowering the risk of osteoporosis is another benefit.

Dr. Seibel explains that the benefits of taking estrogen are evident when estrogen is taken at the proper time or during the estrogen window. This is a window of opportunity where women can optimize their treatment, which begins with the onset of menopause. After all, the timing of menopause among women is quite varied. Five to 10% of women go into menopause before age 45, though the mean age is 51.   However, symptoms can start up to a decade before menopause begins.

When women begin taking estrogen at the time of menopause, they can lower the risk of chronic illnesses and see the potential for the greatest benefit. To see where you are in menopause, take a quiz at www.menopausequiz.com. You can also get great feedback and tips at this site. To connect with Dr. Mache Seibel, visit his website at www.drmache.com or learn more about The Estrogen Window at http://www.estrogenwindowbook.com/.


The menopause solution | Dr. Stephanie Faubion

May 27, 2016

Vision for life | Dr. Meir Scheider

Dr. Meir Schneider is the founder and head teacher of the School for Self-Healing in San Francisco, and the author of Vision for Life. Dr. Schneider was born blind and taught himself to see, and now shares his remarkable findings and results regarding vision and eyesight.

Dr. Schneider explains that your flexibility and strength, including that within your eyes, depends on you. As people have begun staring at computer screens and using fluorescent lights over the years, eyesight has declined. In the 1970s, 25% of children wore glasses. This figure is 48% today.

To combat this, Dr. Schneider explains that there are nine principles of vision that people can improve to aid their vision. First, Dr. Schneider states that people are not relaxing their eyes enough. Emotional tensions and overstimulated vision can cause fatigue of the visual system. Palming is a technique that can be used to relax the eyes.

Dr. Schneider recommends not wearing sunglasses, as they tend to weaken the pupils. He also suggests looking into the distance for four to six minutes at a time throughout the day. This is a great way to prevent cataracts and drain fluid from the eyes. People should also pay more attention to visual details and their periphery. Balanced use of each eye is also important.

People also need better blood flow to the eyes. Unless there is enough blood flowing to the optic nerve, brain, and the whole visual system, the eye exercises will not be successful and vision may be hampered.

To improve overall vision and eyesight, Dr. Schneider recommends blinking often, taking frequent breaks from the computer, and integrating the periphery. Never strain to see. Rest your eyes on a regular basis by rubbing your hands over the eye orbits and visualizing darkness. Don’t let fatigue build up throughout the day. Look out into the distance. These practices will give the eyes life again. To learn more about Dr. Meir Schneider or his book, visit www.self-healing.org.


Vision for life | Dr. Meir Scheider

May 25, 2016

Self-made wellionaire | Jill Ginsberg

Jill Ginsberg is a health coach, speaker, a mother of three children, and the author of Self-Made Wellionaire. Jill originally worked in brand management, but nutrition became her passion. She started studying nutrition and began her coaching practice.

In her book, Jill applies corporate MBA strategies to everyday concepts. She advocates for using these proven tools to become the CEO of your own life. While many strive to be a self-made billionaire, Jill explains that to be a self-made wellionaire is to be rich with energy, health, purpose, and joy.

In one example, Jill explained that the popular SWOT analysis in business can be applied to your health. This tool is used in the beginning of a project or undertaking to understand the environment you’re entering. As you examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as they apply to your health, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to obtain your wellness goals.

Jill explains that time management is also important. Many people claim they cannot work out because they don’t have time. If you have a plan, then you have the time. People don’t hold themselves accountable in their personal lives, but yet they are capable individuals because they succeed with the same tools in business world. In the end, if it matters, you’ll make the time.

Anticipation is also key. You need to think about where plans are likely to go wrong. Try to stay one step ahead. Develop contingency plans for your fitness and healthy eating by managing your risks and planning responsibly. Take charge of the situation and stay in control.

Energy is another factor that can get in the way. To maximize energy, dig into every component of your wellness. Come up with four or five areas where your energy isn’t where it should be. Take small steps to correct your energy and start feeling better.

It takes a total commitment when it comes to self-health. If you’re not willing to commit, nothing else is going to matter. To connect with Jill or learn more about her book, Self-Made Wellionaire, visit www.jillginsberg.com.


Healthy habits | Dr. Cris Beer

May 23, 2016

Naked in 30 days | Theresa Roemer

Today we meet with Theresa Roemer and discuss her new book Naked in 30 Days: A One-Month Guide to Getting Your Body, Mind and Spirit in Shape.

 As background, Theresa Roemer is an author, media personality, entrepreneur and small business owner based in Houston, Texas. Her passion for health started at a young age. As a child Theresa was diagnosed with rheumatic fever many times over, which caused her to have a heart murmur; she was sickly and her doctors diagnosed her with a lifetime of physical constraints. Determined to prove the doctors wrong, Theresa began her lifelong journey to stay active, healthy, and physically fit. Theresa took the U.S. Open title in bodybuilding at the age of 40, and held the titles of Mrs. Houston U.A., Mrs. Texas U.A., and was the 1st runner up for Mrs. United America concurrently.

Theresa feels that anyone can do anything for a period of 30 days, and if you put yourself on this plan, you will find that you change your approach to food and exercise, as well as your relationship to both.   Before you know it, you will be standing naked with yourself and proud of who you are and how you got there.

Based on her years of experience as a personal trainer and body builder, Theresa covers diet, exercise, hormones, meal plans and recipes. She lays out her plan in a day-to-day guide that also includes the mental and spiritual aspects of taking care of your health and well-being.

Additional information about Theresa and her new book Naked in 30 Days can be found on www.theresaroemer.com.

Instagram Theresa_Roemer

Facebook Theresa Roemer LLC

Twitter @TheresaRoemer



Warrior | Theresa Larsen

Understanding macros

Understanding macros is an important component to determining how you should be fueling your body. There are three core macros: protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

One gram of protein has four calories. Think of protein as the building blocks for muscles. If you don’t eat enough protein, your body will take muscle it believes you don’t need and apply it to other areas. Consuming excess protein is also not a good approach, as the excess can be stored as fat.

One gram of carboyhydrate also has four calories. For each gram consumed, the body will try to use those carbohydrates for energy. Simple carbs will be turned into blood sugar and used to fuel movement. However, if the body gets too much, it has no option but to store the excess as fat.

One gram of fat has nine calories. Fat is the first macro that your body will use for energy. This process forms ketones, which are also used for energy. So one gram of fat provides a great deal of energy, more so than that of the carbohydrates or protein.

A high fat, low carbohydrate perspective is popular because fat cannot be stored as fat, while excess protein and carbohydrates can become fat. While your body needs certain levels of protein and fat, your body can function in a healthy manner without any carbohydrates. If you choose to eat carbohydrates, select fiber or nutrient dense foods like broccoli, kale, and asparagus.

In the end, there is no one size fits all solution for everyone. Each body is unique and its needs can even change daily. By understanding macros, you can focus on getting the proper nutrition that will allow your body to thrive, not just survive.



Should I take protein supplements post-workout?

How to be here | Rob Bell

Rob Bell is a New York Times best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and the author of How to Be Here. His book discusses what it means to be present and give the best to your life.

Rob explains that he often meets people who want to be more courageous, fit, or have a better life. Thought it can be overwhelming, you have to break it down into what you can do today. Start with what’s in front of you. You don’t have to get all the way down the road. You only need to take one step today. As you keep taking steps, you’ll eventually end up further than you ever thought possible. It’s a mental battle to keep it simple and clean, but in the end, you’ll learn that you’re capable of so much.

One memorable quote from the book read, “We rob ourselves of immeasurable joy when we compare ourselves with what we don’t know about someone else.” The truth is, you have no idea what that other person has been through. You have your own path, and all you can do is take the next step on the path you’re on. You have a limited supply of energy. When you spend part of your time and energy comparing yourself to someone else, this is energy that could have been better spent on your own path. You must become a steward of your own energy.

The book’s main focus is explaining that being present matters. You don’t need the regret of past or worry about the future to cloud the current moment. It is interesting enough to be right here and nowhere else. There is a wonder and mystery to your own life. Though it’s easy to be a spectator to your own life, don’t disconnect from the joy of being alive.

To connect with Rob directly, visit www.robbell.com or find him on Instagram at @realrobbell.


Life on purpose | Dr. Victor Stretcher

May 16, 2016

We are 100! Best of the past.

To celebrate episode 100, we’re looking back on the top downloaded podcasts that included subject matter experts.

In episode 48, Julie Suzette dives deeper into mindfulness. She explained that you can condition the body to enable meditation and mindfulness. This could involve relearning how to breathe, which can be difficult, though you will learn to breathe in more deeply which can reduce stress. Yoga is also a great option for becoming more mindful, as there are many different styles of yoga to try, including hot yoga or restorative-style yoga.

We spoke with Jimmy Moore in episode 23, who discussed ketosis. Jimmy explained that ketosis is when you allow your body to become a fat burning machine rather than sugar burning machine. To shift to fat burning, you should get rid of sources of sugar, so the body can run efficiently on fat and a byproduct of fat called ketones. Obviously losing weight is a benefit of ketosis, but it also decreases your hunger. Your mood can stabilize, allowing clear thinking. Energy levels can also improve in ketosis.

In episode 74, Dr. Vincent Pedre discussed the microbiomes of our gut, which includes trillions of bacteria. Depending on the type of food you eat, you have the potential to grow bad bacteria in your gut. Because of this, the biggest source of healing starts in the kitchen. What we eat actually controls how genes are expressed. Our health is in crisis because the root of many diseases is inflammation from our gut.

In episodes 53 and 58, Dr. Michael Greger explained the positive effects of a plant-based diet, especially in regards to preventing and even reversing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

In episode 77, Dr. Jason Fung discussed the problem with obesity. He explained that long-term diets are the issue to solve. It’s not simply what we eat, but when we eat that makes a difference. It is helpful to make one’s diet intermittent and break the cycle of insulin resistance, which can lead to obesity.

To check out more of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, visit the Archive.
